A4.21Studio is the place where, from 2021, both the productive activities of artists' studios of Michel Pellaton and those of the Roman Cultural Association of the same name A4.21Studio will develop.

Located a stone's throw from the Colosseum in the historic and central Celio district, in a welcoming interior courtyard sharing other creative activities, within a beautiful space of 60 m2, A4.21Studio with the ambition to achieve "grammar collages ”in vivo and in situ, namely:
- Artist projects with artists in the form of studio-size exhibitions, as well as the project "the time of art";

- events and meetings, conferences, screenings and concerts;

- bridges between audiences, artists and multidisciplinary speakers;

- bridges between the district, the city and the world, mainly from Italy, France, Switzerland and Russia;

- as well as being able to temporarily host training, meals and events of various private or associative natures.