Covinyle Collection 2020
Initially, a two-dimensional variation of the Spheres series at the time of confinement under the epocal influence of Covid-19. Choosing as a medium the equation: practical, within reach when one is confined strictly for two months at home, bearer of meaning and photogenic: vinyl records.
In a new crossroads of several of my approaches: The Supports / Objects - The matrices of collages - The circles which derive from the spheres - The theme of the recorded musical waves which transport us out of dimensions - The clouds (between element, motif and painting).
In a new crossroads of several of my approaches: The Supports / Objects - The matrices of collages - The circles which derive from the spheres - The theme of the recorded musical waves which transport us out of dimensions - The clouds (between element, motif and painting).
I started from a theme of clouds that I was undertaking at the time. The idea was that the “clouds” invite us to open up to the four winds on an exterior without constraints, distinguishing themselves from “the globes and bubbles of closed identities” described by Peter Sloterijk. A kind of rediscovered freedom to draw and paint among the clouds and sometimes blindly, no longer knowing where the top or the bottom would be. Then rather quickly, the series set off on what I would call "out-of-the-atmosphere" attempts, attempting breakaways with no limits in size, time or oxygen. Another attempt at the 4th dimension perhaps?